Pool Heat Pumps


"Take it easy and let us take care of the pool"

Pool Heat Pumps


Pool Heat pumps use the same principle as reverse cycle air conditioners. They extract heat from the air (even down to sub zero temperatures) and, through a series of compression and transference technology, heat the pool water. They work in almost any temperature, with some catering to sub zero temperatures, as well as indoor installations.

The great benefit of this technology is the low running cost. In a side-by-side comparison, a heat pump will cost around 60% less to run than a gas heater, making pumps perfect for anyone who wants to have their pool available 24/7, 365 days a year.


What are heat pumps and how do they work?


Heat pumps work similar to reverse cycle air conditioners. They extract ambient heat from the air outside the unit to the pool water stored inside the heater through a heat exchanger system.

The external air is drawn into the heater via a fan into an evaporator containing a special type of refrigerant, which is stored in piping. The refrigerant generally used is not a CFC, so it doesn’t negatively affect the earth’s ozone layer.

The air that has been drawn into the system, turns the refrigerant from a liquid into a gas inside the heat pump’s piping. The gaseous refrigerant is then compressed through a series of tubes within the heat pump; a process which generates a great deal of heat. A heat exchanger then transfers the heat from the heated refrigerant gas pipes to a tank where water is stored.

One of the heat pumps key advantages over solar systems, is that they still work in cold or overcast conditions with some models available to cater even for sub zero temperatures, as well as indoor installations. The other great benefit of this technology is the relatively low running cost. When used in conjunction with a solar blanket a small heat pump can cost as little as a few dollars per day to run. They are considerable cheaper to run than gas heaters and don’t require the sun to be shining to generate heat, making them the perfect solution for anyone that wants to use their pool for more than a few months of the year.

How much do Heat Pumps cost and are they expensive to run?


The initial purchase price and the ongoing running costs of a Swimming Pool Heat Pump will vary depending on the size of your swimming pool, it’s location ( environmental factors ) and your desired temperature,

As a general rule, a correctly sized Swimming Pool Heat pump for the average sized 40,000ltr swimming pool will cost between $6,000.00 and $10,000.00 for a professionally installed unit.

The ongoing running cost of a Swimming Pool Heat pump can vary drastically depending on environmental conditions and  personal temperature requirements. The purchase price of electricity can also make a huge difference.

A rough estimate for heat pump running costs would be between $1,000.00 and $2,000.00 ( with pool blanket) annually.

For a more accurate cost estimate, we recommend you have a representative visit your site and go through all of the options available prior to making a decision.

Click Here for a quick quote and size recommendation.

Understanding the technical jargon to make better comparisons


The key performance measure used to compare heat pumps is something called COP (co-efficient of performance), a heating efficiency measure. In simple terms, the COP describes how much energy it takes to produce a certain amount of heat. The higher the COP, the more efficient the heater is at generating heat.

For example, say a heater uses 2kW of electricity to deliver 10kW of heat into the pool, the COP is 5.0 (2kW used ÷ 10kW delivered = COP 5). Any COP around 5 in real world conditions is considered the benchmark.

When making brand comparisons it is important to ensure that you are comparing apples with apples. Some companies overinflate their performance by measuring the COP under favourable conditions (ie. higher air temperatures). COP should be measured when the outside temperature is low, which is exactly when you need the best from your heat pump. COP reported by most leading manufacturers is determined when the temperature is around 15°C.

Selecting the right pool heater for your needs


The easiest way to find out the best heating solution for your pool is to use our easy calculation system. With just a few details about your pool and the way you would like to enjoy it, our Customer Service Team can provide a list of the most suitable systems and their approximate associated running costs. You can then compare and make an informed decision about what is right for you.

Click Here for a quick quote and size recommendation.

One of the key factors to consider are what temperature you’d like your pool to be. Most people find 28°C to be the ideal temperature, but you can experiment and find the temperature that best suits you. Will you use a pool cover of some kind? Using a pool blanket or thermal cover is the most effective way to retain heat within the pool water. Not using a pool cover will mean that you need to use a bigger pump model to achieve the same heat.

How long do you want to be able to swim?


Depending on where you live, if you want to swim all-year-round you will need one of our larger (more expensive) heat pumps. If you are looking for a season extender, then the smaller entry level products are usually a great option.

Who can install pool heaters?


Solar, gas and electric heating systems all require a licensed tradesperson for correct installation. An electrician will always be required to install the most models. In some cases, where suitable electrical outlets already exist where your heat pump will be installed, the single phase models may not require a professional. In any case, you should seek advice from a suitable Pool Heating supplier.

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